The General Chapter of the Swiss-American Benedictine Congregation will be held this year at Benet Lake Priory from July 29 to August 2, 2021. The travel dates are included. The council of the congregation met by ZOOM on Monday, April 19, 2021 to finalize the agenda for the General Chapter.
The Swiss-American Benedictine Congregation extends its condolences to the monks of St. Benedict's Abbey, Still River, MA, upon the death of their Abbot, Fr. Xavier Connelly, on April 8, 2021. The funeral was held last Friday, April 16, 2021, but because of heavy rains and snow in the Boston area, he will be buried Saturday, April 24. The abbatial election is set for Saturday, May 15, 2021. Abbot Xavier's obituary can be found here:
Every two years, the Presidents of the American Benedictine Congregations, both men and women, meet to discuss mutual issues. This year the group of 7 will meet at The Benedictine Sisters of Elizabeth New Jersey. The presenters will be Bishop Elias Lorenzo, the former president of the American Cassinese Congregation, and Cardinal Joseph Tobin, Archbishop of Newark, NJ. Since both have had close associations with the Congregation of Consecrated and Apostolic life it is thought that a good item of discussion would be the functioning of the Congregation and the relationship of the religious orders to that congregation.